com/profile.php?id=539457635. My space This post has been edited by Mani: 17 October 2008 - 11:06 PM. 0. Back to top of the page up there ^; Reply Icon MultiQuote ? Reply Icon Reply ... Learned to drive at 13 in my mum's Daihatsu Charade (thanks mum for trusting me with the car .. lol) and by 15, I was driving the family on vacations to Kandy, down south etc. Having an older bro next to me helped too. ...
He buys the first rural cottage a real estate agent shows him, a money-pit of a wreck with rotting floorboards and piles of rat feces. Another prize gives him the dough to buy a chic English sports car, a vehicle Bernhard totals, ...
I understand that we know some of the angels didn?t keep ?their first bestate/b? and dogs can turn back to their vomit, but do you have special information about the possibilities of our future in the new heaven and the new earth? b.../b